8900 Chapman Deluxe Gunsmith Kit
Kit CHAP.8900 is our Deluxe Gunsmithing Kit, containing
our standard Allen Hex Type adapters, plus
fourteen specialty Slotted Head adapters designed
for gun repair work, in a hard pack case.
Kit contains the following tools:
1 - Chapman Ratchet
1 - Extension
1 - Screw Driver Handle
10 - Allen Hex Adapters: (Size indicates distance across flats)
.050" | 3/32" | 9/64" | 7/32" |
1/16" | 7/64" | 5/32" | |
5/64" | 1/8" | 3/16" |
12 - Slotted Head Adapters: (Size indicates blade width x thickness)
0.125" x 0.023" | 0.230" x 0.037" | 0.328" x 0.037" |
0.160" x 0.030" | 0.250" x 0.025" | 0.375" x 0.025" |
0.190" x 0.025" | 0.250" x 0.037" | 0.375" x 0.037" |
0.190" x 0.037" | 0.328" x 0.030" | 0.375" x 0.050" |
2 - Phillips Head Adapters: (Size indicates standard Phillips numbers)
No. 1 | No. 2 |
Replacement bits and parts available for purchase separately