Blovac BV-22 Cleaning Gun
This air powered cleaning gun acts as both a vacuum cleaner and a blow gun.
- Blows
- On Blower Mode - the BV-22's unique venturi jet design creates a powerful vortex which amplifies input air flow by more than 10 times. This design makes it more effective than conventional air guns. Its large diameter bore and air amplification feature allow a larger surface to be covered in a shorter time. This feature can also be utilized for ventilating, cooling or drying parts.
- Sucks
- On Blower Mode - the BV-22 can generate up to 4 inches of mercury, three times more powerful than an ordinary electric shop vacuum cleaner.
Made from Nylon 6 the BV-22 is ideally suited to collect a wide variety of materials:
Metal Chips Glass Sawdust Textile Scraps Seed and Grain Food Particles Plastic Granules Liquid Residue
- Conveys
- On Vacuum Mode - the BV-22's vortex action, coupled with smooth bore hose easily enables material to be transported over long distances. Addition booster units can increase this range. The BV-22 has been used to transport material in the manufacturing, agriculture and pharmaceutical industries.
BV-22 - Features
- Unique design permits BV-22 to be vacuum cleaner or powerful blow gun.
- Switches from blow mode to vacuum mode in seconds simply by reversing the venturi.
- Can vacuum liquid residues with safety because air-powered
- No maintenance because the BV-22 has no moving parts.
- Cost only a fraction of the price of an industrial strength Vacuum Cleaner.
Pressure PSI | 28.44 | 42.66 | 71.11 | 85.33 |
Air Consumption cfm | 5.64 | 7.41 | 11.29 | 13.41 |
Total Discharge cfm | 88.27 | 95.33 | 109.46 | 116.52 |
Vacuum in Hg | 1.18 | 1.41 | 2.32 | 2.83 |