Silvent 920 A Flat Nozzles

  • $214.50 USD

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    • SILVENT SIL.920A, SIL.920ABSP flat nozzle that generates a broad and efficient air cone.
    • Outstanding for use wherever a wide but thin striking surface is required.
    • Flat nozzles are suitable for most areas of application, such as: drying, transporting, cooling, cleaning etc.
    • Often used in manifold systems, providing silent and highly efficient air knives.
    • Made of zinc with 1/4" male connection thread.
    • The exhaust ports are protected from external forces by fins.
    • Fully complies with EU Machine Directive noise limitations and OSHA safety regulations.
    • Patented.
      SIL.920ABSP SIL.920A
      SI units US units
    Blowing force 5.5 N 19.4 oz
    Air consumption 30 Nm³/h 17.7 scfm
    Sound level 81 dB(A)  
    Air pattern Flat  
    Connection 1/4" BSP 1/4"-18 NPT
    Connection type Male  
    Dimensions 46.3x14.3x80 mm 1.82x0.56x3.15 inch
    Material (nozzle) Zinc  
    Weight 0.120 kg 0.265 lbs
    Max temp 70 °C 158 °F
    Max operating pressure 1.0 MPa 143.0 psi
    Replace open pipe 6 mm 1/4 inch
    Noise reduction 21 dB(A) 77 %
    Air/cost savings 37 Nm³/h 130.6 scfm
    Fulfill OSHA standards Yes
    Meet the EU Machine directives Yes
    Blowing properties at different pressures
    SI units (kPa) 200 400 600 800 1000
    Blowing force (N) 2.0 4.3 7.0 9.2 11.4
    Air consumption (Nm³/h) 12.0 25.0 38.0 50.1 62.0
    Sound level (dB(A)) 72.0 79.1 83.3 86.6 88.4
    US units (psi) 40 60 80 100 120
    Blowing force (oz) 10.4 16.2 22.1 27.8 33.7
    Air consumption (scfm) 10.8 15.4 20.0 24.6 29.2
    Sound level (dB(A)) 75.1 79.3 82.5 85.0 87.0
    Air cone patterns and velocity distribution
    SI units (mm) 50 100 200 300 400 500
    Air pattern (width) 80 100 140 180 220 260
    Air pattern (height) 40 60 100 140 180 220
    Velocity (m/s) 122 100 57 40 36 33
    US units (inch) 2 4 8 12 16 20
    Air pattern (width) 3.15 3.94 5.51 7.09 8.66 10.24
    Air pattern (height) 1.57 2.36 3.94 5.51 7.09 8.66
    Velocity (ft/s) 400 328 187 131 118 108

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